Practice Make Excellence
It’s easy to score most SPM academic papers. This is because, the syllabus is not wide, and hence the questions in each chapter are limited. If you manage to attempt most of the question, you should be able to score.
This revision practice is to help students to learn and revise SPM Chemistry in a systematic and efficient manner. It covers almost every aspect of the syllabus. Explanation is given for selected questions. Students can Whatsapp the tutor if they don’t understand.
Result of each practice will be kept. Progress will be recorded. Students can be aware of their progress and achievement along the year.

Whatsapp support!
Students can communicate with tutors through Whatsapp

7 days no question ask money back guarantee!
You may unsubscribe and get 100% refund within 7 days

More than 1000 questions
Clone SPM questions, clone state trial exam questions, special design questions to enhance your understanding.
Important Features

Whatsapp Support
Students can communicate with our tutor through Whatsapp if they have any question related to the questions in our revision.
This is only available to the first 300 students enrolled to this revision.

Notes and Explanation
For selected questions, explanation or note will be given to help students to understand the question.

Progress Bar
The progress of student will be recorded. This can help students to plan their revision in a systematic and efficient way.

Divided Into Sub-topics
Questions are arranged according to subtopics. The will help students to prepare their school test and exam efficiently.

Record of Each Exersice
The result of each exercise is recorded. Students can always retake the exercise to they do not satisfy with their performance.

Record of Each Question
Each attempted question is also recorded. Students can always recheck the questions they have done wrong to recall the mistake and hence to enhance their understanding.
Original Price: RM30
Promotional Price: RM21
Subscription valid for 2 years
+ RM15 Gift Voucher (Visit our shop now)
How to Subscribe?
Step 1: Register as user
Make sure you have registered as a user on this website.
Step 2: Make payment
Bank in/Transfer the payment to the following account
Bank: Hong Leong Bank Berhad
Bank Account: 19600034374
Account Name: Magic Cube Online Marketing
Step 3: Whatsapp/Email
After you made the payment, please send us the payment details of :
User email:
Total amount:
Course to subscribe: (Example: SPM Physics Paper 1)
Bank Acc Holder (Online transfer only): (Example: Mohd Asri bin Yusof)
Banking Date : (Example: 20 Jan)
Whatsapp: 01110864086 or
Email: enrolment@revision.my