Courses Enrolment

7 Days Money Back Guarantee

We offer 7 days money-back guarantee for all our courses on No reason is needed. All you need is a bank account to receive the money (we do not process cash). Just Whatsapp/email us. We will process the refund within 1 week.

How to Purchase

Step 1: Register as user

Make sure you have registered as a user on this website. 

Step 2: Make payment

Bank in/Transfer the payment to the following account

Bank: Hong Leong Bank Berhad
Bank Account: 19600034374
Account Name: Magic Cube Online Marketing

Step 3: Whatsapp/Email

After you made the payment, please send us the payment details of :

User email:
Total amount:
Course purchased: (Example: SPM Physics Paper 1)
Bank Acc Holder (Online transfer only): (Example: Mohd Asri bin Yusof)
Banking Date : (Example: 20 Jan)

Whatsapp: 01110854085 or

Available Revision

SPM Chemistry Paper 1 (KBSM)RM30
SPM Physics Paper 1 (KBSM)RM30
SPM Biology Paper 1 (KBSM) (Available soon)RM30
SPM Science Paper 1 (KBSM) (Available soon)RM30
SPM Kimia Kertas 1 (KBSM) (Available soon)RM30
SPM Fizik Kertas 1 (KBSM) (Available soon)RM30
SPM Biologi Kertas 1 (KBSM) (Available soon)RM30
SPM Sains Kertas 1 (KBSM) (Available soon)RM30